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Intermediate Algebra Examples     Int Alg Home

If it is not already on your hard drive, you will need to download the free DPGraph Viewer to view some of the pictures linked to on this page.   QuickTime 6 free download.

Distance = Rate x Time Examples

Two men leave the same place at the same time walking in opposite directions.  One man (Blue) is walking at the rate of 2 mph and the other man (Green) is walking at the rate of 3 mph.  How long before they will be 6 miles apart?  How far apart are they after 2 hours?  Click here to see an animation.  In the animation the elapsed time is shown by the animated point on the y-axis.  The x-axis indicates distance traveled corresponding to the two animated men.  The distance traveled by Blue is indicated by negative numbers since his direction is opposite that of Green.  Quicktime animation    Solution (Larger Print)

A red train leaves Altoona heading to Spoker at 4PM at a speed of 65mph.  One hour later a blue train leaves Spoker heading to Altoona at a speed of 80mph.  The distance from Altoona to Spoker is 355 miles.  (A) At what time will the trains pass each other?  (B) Which train will arrive at its destination first?  Click here to see an animation.  In the animation the path of the red train is in red and the time the red train has been traveling is shown vertically in red.  The path of the blue train is in blue and the time the blue train has been traveling is shown vertically in blue.  Click here for another version of the animation where little trains are drawn instead of colored paths.  Quicktime animation   Flash video with audio

Solution A(Larger Print)   Solution B(Larger Print)





Other Linear Equation Examples

A man wants to build a rectangular speaker box whose volume is 3 cubic feet for his 15 inch (diameter) speakers.  If the square base is 18 inches on each side, how deep are the speaker boxes?  This problem was taken from Intermediate Algebra:  One Step at a Time by Dr. Robert Rapalje.  Rapalje website

Let d = the depth of a speaker box in inches

The volume of the box will be 182 times d in cubic inches.  The volume of the box must be 3 cubic feet which would be 3 times 123 cubic inches.




The center lane of a circular track has a radius of 100 feet.  How many times must you run around the track to have run a mile?  There are 5280 feet in a mile.  This problem was taken from Intermediate Algebra:  One Step at a Time by Dr. Robert Rapalje.

Extra Credit:  Suppose the circular track is located in a rectangular coordinate system with the center of the circle at the origin.  Find the coordinates of the runner's location after running exactly one mile if the runner started at the point (100,0) and ran in a counter clockwise direction as indicated in the animation.  Click here for a hint.

Click on the track to see an animation of the blue dot (runner) running the laps needed to run a mile.  Quicktime version


Applications Involving Quadratic Equations

A total of 8 meters of fencing are going to be used to fence in a rectangular cage for pets and divide it into three smaller cages as shown in the animation.  Determine the overall dimensions that will yield a total enclosed area of 2 square meters.  In the animation the total area function is graphed in red.  The blue point moving along the area function corresponds to the changing size of the rectangular cage.  The perimeter of the cage is shown in blue and the added dividers in green.  Let x stand for the length of one of the sides (with 2 sides needed of length x) and y stand for the length of the other side (with 4 sections of fencing needed of length y).




Quicktime animation.


Can you tell what dimensions would produce the maximum total area?



A blue boat is 30 nautical miles due east of point A and traveling due west at 12 nautical miles per hour.  A green boat is 20 nautical miles due north of point A and traveling due south at 15 nautical miles per hour.  How long until the distance between the two boats is the square root of 349 nautical miles?  Click here or on the picture below to see an animation of the next three hours of the boats' movement.  The boats are not drawn to scale.  The endpoints of the red line segment connecting the two boats represent the location of the boats.  The purple graph is representing the distance between the boats as a function of time.  For extra credit, figure out how long until the boats are as close together as they will ever get.  Quicktime animation  Second Quicktime animation (This one requires the user to open it using Quicktime Player but gives more options.)

Consider point A to be at the center of a rectangular coordinate system.  Let x represent the x coordinate of the blue boat's position and let y represent the y-coordinate of the green boat's position.



A large red balloon is rising at the rate of 20 ft/sec.  The balloon is 10 ft above the ground at the point in time when the back end of a green car is directly below the bottom of the balloon.  The car is traveling at 40 ft/sec.  Animation of the car and the balloon.  How long until the distance between the bottom of the balloon and the point on the ground directly below the back of the car is 50 feet?  Click here or on the picture below for an animation.  Click here for an animated picture with no labeling scales.  Quicktime version  Quicktime extended version    Flash video with audio



Filling a Paraboloid

The top picture at the right represents a cross section of the paraboloid.  The paraboloid was formed by revolving the graph of y = x2, x going from -2 to 2, about the y-axis.  Click on the picture to see an animation.

DPGraph 3D Animation

DPGraph 3D Animation2

DPGraph 3D Animation3

Filling a Paraboloid

Using the scrollbar to increase the transparency in DP animation3 makes for a nice effect.




A rectangle is going to be formed by picking a point in the first quadrant on the graph of the line whose equation is x + 2y = 6 and drawing line segments perpendicular to the x-axis and y-axis as shown in the picture.  The area of this rectangle will be xy.  Find the values of x and y if the rectangle is to have an area of 4.5 square units.


The line segment that is part of the graph of x + 2y = 6 is shown in green.  Click on the picture to see an animation.  The function that gives the area of the rectangle is graphed in red in the animation.  Quicktime Version  Can you tell which point on the green line segment would result in the largest (in area) possible rectangle?


The Maths Online Gallery has a nice applet relating to finding the rectangle of largest area that can be inscribed in a given right triangle.  After following this link, click on "How to find a function's extremum".

EC:  Give the dimensions of the largest rectangle that could be constructed by dropping perpendiculars from the hypotenuse of the right triangle above.

SUPER EC:  State a general rule for constructing the largest such rectangle in any right triangle.



An Application Involving a Third Degree Polynomial--Extra Credit


A rectangular piece of material measuring 4 ft by 3 ft is to be formed into an open topped box by cutting equal sized squares out of each corner and folding up the sides.  Determine the size of the squares to be cut out if the resulting box is to have a volume of 2 cubic feet.  There are two correct answers.  Either one will do.  One is easier to find than the other.  Super Extra Credit:  Determine the size of the squares to be cut out if the resulting box is to have the maximum possible volume.  Click here to see an animation with scales or on the figure at the right below to see an animation without scales.  Click here for a 3-D animation without scales and click here for a 3-D animation with scales.  In the animation we see the changing shape of the material after various sized squares are cut out of the corners along with the volume function in red shifted to the right.  The 3-D animations show the changing shape of the box after the sides have been folded up.   The animated point moving along the graph of the volume function corresponds to the changing box construction.  Quicktime animation      3D Quicktime animation      DPGraph animation      Here is a more psychedelic DPGraph animation.  Here are two DPGraph pictures of the box that would have the largest volume.  These can be looked at for entertainment for 15 minutes or so if you have no life.  Picture of the box one   Picture of the box two (this is picture one with shading)

x = the length of a side of each of the squares



Applications Involving Radicals

The formula given below gives the radius of a sphere as a function of time if the volume of the sphere is increasing at the rate of 8 pi cubic feet per second.  The radius of the sphere will be zero at time t = 0 seconds.  Here is an animation  showing an expanding hemisphere along with the lengthening radius.  What will be the radius of the sphere 4.5 seconds after time t = 0 seconds (i.e., at t = 4.5 seconds).

DPGraphs: expanding sphere animation      

expanding sphere with radius (activate the scrollbar z-slice feature with the default z = 0 to see a cross section expanding)



A ladder 10 feet long is standing straight up against the side of a  house.  The base of the ladder is pulled away from the side of the house at the rate of 2 feet per second.  How high up the side of the house will the top of the ladder be 1 second after the base begins being pulled away from the house?  How high up the side of the house will the top of the ladder be after 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds?  Here is an animation of the ladder being pulled away from the side of the house.  Winplot Demonstration (LadderSlide--use T to slide the ladder)    LadderSlide2 (This one includes a display of the approximate speed of the top of the ladder.)



Can you see what is happening to the speed at which the top of the ladder is coming down when the top of the ladder gets close to the ground?  Clicking on the picture produces an animation.  Quicktime Version  Try computing the average speed of the top of the ladder from time t = 4.99999998 seconds to time t = 4.99999999 seconds.  This would be found by computing


Click here to read about the paradox involved in pulling the bottom of a ladder out away from a wall at a constant rate.  There is some calculus involved but you might be able to figure out what the authors are getting at.  It's Extra Credit if you do.








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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats