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Examples--First Order Separable Equations


PowerPoint Presentation of Solutions to Separable First Order Differential Equations


Example 1:  Solving a Separable Differential Equation

 In addition to the graphs shown at the right you can look at various solutions corresponding to an initial condition of the form y(0) = c by following this link to a DPGraph of a surface and the plane y = c.  The curve of intersection of the surface and the plane when c = 1 is the graph of the solution to the initial value problem above.  You can use the scrollbar and activate c to look at solutions for various values of c.  You can also use the z-slice feature.


The graph of the solution is shown above.  Click on the graph at the left to see an animation of the direction field vectors moving across the screen for increasing values of x along with an animated solution point.  The lower graph shows the solutions for y(0) = -1, -0.4, 0.4, and 1 along with the direction field.  Click on the graph to see an enlargement.  First Order DE Solution Grapher



Example 2:  Solving a Separable DE--Circles

yo = 1   yo = 2   yo = 3   yo = 4



Example 3:  Solving a Separable DE--Logistics Equation

Above is the graph of the solution to the logistics equation.   

QT  animation as y(0) varies from 0 to 40.

dy/dx = .01y(100-y),   y(0) = 10.

The solution is y = 100ex / (9 + ex).

Here is an Animation (Quicktime version) of the changing graph of the solution as y(0) varies from -50 to 150 with x between 0 and 10 and here is an Animation (Quicktime version) with x between -10 and 10.  Notice the significance of the blue horizontal lines and their relationship to the zeroes of .01y(100-y).  Look at examples 3 and 4 in Section 2.1 discussing autonomous first order differential equations (DE's of the form F(y,y') = 0 or in normal form dy/dx = f(y)).  If the DE was modeling a population then y(0) would have to be positive.  If y(0) = yo then

y = 100 is a singular solution (see pages 7-8 in your text).    Extra Credit Problem--Link

Solution Details

Click here to see the solution graphed using Winplot.  You may need to download the file to your desktop and then use the freeware Winplot to open the file (by opening Winplot, clicking on Window, clicking on 2-dim, clicking on File, clicking on Open, and then opening DEorder1Ex3.  You can use the slider to vary the value of B (yo) from -50 to 150.



Example 4:  Section 2.2#36 (It is separable)

Note:  y = 0.9 is a singular solution that could not be obtained from the general solution shown above.  Click here to see animated solution graphs as yo varies from -2.1 to 3.9 demonstrating the "missing" singular solution.  Quicktime version

Solution graphs for yo = 1

Click here to see animated solution graphs as yo varies from -3 to 3.  Quicktime version



Example 5:  Another variables separable example


The picture on the right shows the graphs of particular solutions with y0 = 1/4 (blue) and y0 = -1/4 (red)Click here or on the picture to see an animation of solutions as y0 varies from -3 to 3.  In the case of the blue solution on the right, does y continue to increase as x continues to increase beyond 8?  Click here for a pictorial answer.

Quicktime Version







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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats