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Differential Equations Sailing Application Example

Example similar to Section 6.3 #84 in Calculus 8th Edition, Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards

Sailing   Ignoring resistance, a sailboat starting from rest accelerates (dv/dt) at a rate proportional to the difference between the velocities of the wind and the boat.

(a)  Write the velocity as a function of time if the wind is blowing at 20 ft/sec and after one second the boat is moving at 5 ft/sec.  Assume the boat started from rest.

(b)  Use the result in part (a) to write the distance traveled by the boat as a function of time.  

Click on the picture below to see an animation showing the first 8 seconds of the boat's travel starting from rest.  Click here to see the animation placed in a coordinate system.











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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

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